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How to differentiate ruby
From;  Author:Stand originally
There is the gem of a few reds in nature, these gem are very easy as promiscuous as ruby, gules pointed spar is compared on the market namely common. Want to differentiate its from 3 respects: The first it is refractive index. Gules pointed spar is 1.72, its density is 3.5, it is odd reflection gem. These are lapidary and constant data. Still have will look from color, the color of ruby is more sterling, degree of saturation is tall, and pointed spar slants orange. There still is ruby of a kind of synthesis on the market, namely man-made ruby. These man-made rubies are told commonly cleaner, there are foreign matter and crackle inside crystal, color is particularly even. Can have the feature that natural ruby does not have sometimes. Wait a moment e.g. arc grain. It is better to have still one is plant differentiate, it is red glass. Red glass because heat conduction rate is low, feel so have tepid feeling, some in-house meetings have bubble. Wang Yayu is chosen collect

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