Position:Home>Archaeological Research>Afghanistan discovers one honour 19 meters long lie when figure of Buddha comes
Afghanistan discovers one honour 19 meters long lie when figure of Buddha comes
From;  Author:Stand originally
Afghan news and · of Mohammed of culture ministry adviser are neat Er announces Ya Afusha 8 days, archaeologist in Afghanistan mid Bamiyang saves discovery one honour 19 meters long lie figure of Buddha. Er says Afusha: "Archaeology scholar discovered 89 cultural relic in all, include coin, crockery and this honour lie figure of Buddha. " he says, when figure of Buddha comes up out of land, already marred serious. Archaeology team is in at that time near relics of Ba Miyang big Buddha in reconnaissance fokelore 300 meters long giant lie figure of Buddha. Historical data account, before a few centuries, a pilgrim that comes from east has seen that in this one area honour figure of Buddha. Er says Afusha, come up out of land this honour 19 meters long lie figure of Buddha let archaeology personnel see discovery is fabulous in giant the hope of figure of Buddha. Ba Miyang is saved is ancient time " the Silk Road " along the line is main religious and cultural center, cultural relic historic site is numerous. This year April, archaeologist is in near relics of Ba Miyang big Buddha inside cavern the canvas with old discovery, time is OK restrospect to the Christian era 7 centuries. Suffer effect of chaos caused by war, ba Miyang saves churchyard numerous historic site is destroyed or loot. Build at the Christian era 6 centuries control two honour Ba Miyang big Buddha armed in March 2001 by Taliban blow up.

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